Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Find your class on the side panel and do the following:

If you FAILED (less than a 70): you will take what you’ve already done, copy and paste it, tell me which BQ it is, and edit/revise it.

  1. Write your first or last name at the top of the post
  2. Paste your original post with the title of the BQ that you are revising.
    Ex. BQ 2 - The Protagonist (underneath this, you copy and paste your first response)
  3. Skip a line.
  4. Identify your revision
    Ex. BQ 2 - The Protagonist Revision
    You must write Revision so I am able to identify your revision situation.
  5. Write your revision. 
If you made a ZERO (you didn’t turn it in): you will recreate the post completely. State which BQ you are redoing. Then, you will answer it in it’s entirety.
  1. Write your first and last name.
  2. Find the directions for the BQ you are revising from the side panel. Make sure you follow every direction (with the exception of commenting on a peer's response).
  3. Write your first or last name at the top of the post
  4. State which BQ you are writing
    Ex. BQ 2 - The Protagonist (FIRST TIME)
    You must write (FIRST TIME) so I am able to identify your revision situation.
  5. Answer the prompt.

  • All of your revisions will be in ONE long comment - do not post separate comments for separate revisions.
  • I start grading from a 70 - not 100 - so please make sure to edit carefully. 
  • I do NOT need to see your comments on your peers' responses (I'm only grading your revision - I'm not taking comments into consideration).

Due: Wednesday February 20th by midnight

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