Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Fourth Period - BQ5: McKee Connection

Choose a section of the McKee packet that we discussed in class.
Connect the section to your novel in some way. Give an example of how the section you chose is carried out in your novel. 

First and Last Name

What section you are using to analyze your novel 

Analysis (example of how the section you chose is seen in your novel)

For example:
If you choose to use the section “Inciting Incidents,” your post would look like this - 

Ms. Chung

Inciting Incidents

You would tell what inciting incident is and give an example of the inciting incident from your novel. 

Notes: Please edit. Don't forget to respond to a peer's comment!
Due: Friday February 8 at midnight 


  1. Elizabeth Williams

    Inciting Incidents

    In my book, Ever has a major inciting incident. She was in a car crash that caused her to have a NDE or Near Death Experience. When she was revived she realized she had psychic powers. This really changes her life because now everywhere she goes she is bombarded with auras and energy, every touch tells Ever every thing about that person. It really is sensory overload. She has to figure out how to deal with this.

    1. Emily Ranney
      The way you explained this was very well done. I liked how you explained what NDE stands for.The way this is written and how you explained the book is exciting. I now have an urge to read this book.

    2. Sophia Craft

      I agree with Emily. You explained everything really well. You made it easy to understand why this is an inciting incident. It's easy to relate to Ever because a lot of us have to figure out how we should deal with a hard situation. This is important for any protagonist.

  2. Emily Ranney
    Inciting Incidents are events which happen in the book that turn the character's life around in a negative or positive way. In the book I have chose, John goes through the incident of having his home planet being destroyed, and now he has to go to Earth to survive and hide from the aliens who had destroyed his planet. This is a negative incident because of the fact that he has to leave, and there is a good chance he will never see his family again. Now John has to learn how to live as a human, but also how to protect himself while staying undercover.

    1. Esther Park

      This seems like an interesting book to read! I like the way you wrote and explained how John was going through a negative incident. I feel sympathy for him because he has to leave his home planet and go to Earth while leaving his family behind.

    2. Sareena Contractor

      I really liked your definition of an inciting incident. Your inciting incident seems similar to mine. Both of our characters' homes have been destroyed. In your book his planet was destroyed and in my book his home was destroyed. Also both of them were forced to go to a place that was completely new to them. In my book, Matthew had to live in a world that he feared. Another similarity is that both of our characters had to learn how to be normal human beings.

  3. Matthew Rutherford

    True Character

    In my book, Jack's girlfriend, Elizabeth, shows her true character when she repeatedly makes sure that Jack is going to throw his race for her safety. Even though Jack reassures her several times, Elizabeth still only worries about herself and makes it priority number one that she is out of harm's way. Elizabeth's true character is one of greed and selfishness, a character that she tried to hide from everyone throughout the book. That selfishness ended up biting her in the butt in the end, when no one else wanted to have anything to do with her.

    1. Matthew Rutherford

      And true character is where someone shows what they are really like when they make decisions under pressure.

    2. Won Joo

      In my novel, the main character decides to be bad and use steroid because he knew he had to gain 20 pounds of muscle mass.

  4. Esther Park

    True Character

    True character is when someone shows how they really are when they have to make a decision under pressure. In my novel, Spencer shows her true character when a girl named Kay tries to attack her. Spener is the goody two shoes. She's quiet, keeps to herself, and is most definently not violent. One night, Spencer and her old friend Kay are in an alleyway when Kay starts to attack her. She threatens to kill her so Spencer pushes her to the ground and grabs a broken glass bottle and puts it against Kay's throat. This shows that Spencer would not hesitate to hurt another girl if she was in danger.

    1. Jin Choi

      I always found it entertaining to read books with fights involving the innocent and a person who has had experience with being violent. Spencer doesn't seem to be loyal on the inside if Kay was his "old friend".

    2. Dacarius creer

      That sound interesting they way you put it. The way you compared true character to your book was good. Sounds like you pick a good book to read and you did a good job.

    3. Kenneth Tinsley

      This was great analysis on Kay, good job. I think I would react the same way.

  5. Jin Choi

    Character Revelation

    Character Revelation is when a character's true nature shows behind his/her facade of traits. It is not what things seem to be and the character must be credible. In my novel, Tate is a teenager who seems to be one of those popular, sports-minded jock who flirts alot. Throughout the story, it turned out that Tate had only played football because of the push from his father. Not only that, he had a true talent for writing and had hidden poems of his own so people wouldn't make fun of him.

    1. Matthew Rutherford

      I like the way you connected the two different personalities that your character has and it seems to make your book more interesting.

    2. Chris Luke

      Character Revelation

      The main antagonist of my story, Gaballufix, shows a massive character revelation. In the beginning of the book he is thought to be a leader who wanted to do the best for the city;in the end it turned out he was a very evil man who would kill anyone who gets in his way to dictatorship.

  6. Sophia Craft

    Structure and Character Functions- Protagonist Characteristics

    In Perks, Charlie is the protagonist. He likes a girl named Sam; however, Sam tells him early on he couldn't feel that way. We have empathy for Charlie because we have all wanted something that we couldn't have.

    1. Kyle Hall

      I agree that every one has something that they wanted that they couldn't have. I think that there might be a mixture of sympathy and empathy in your novel, but I do see how you can find empathy in that.

  7. Kyle Hall

    True Character

    True character is how characters reveal themselves when they are put under pressure. In Purple Heart, Matt is put under enormous pressure when his fellow squad member, Justin, is wounded in a firefight. He has to choose whether to run away and save himself, or to risk his life to save Justin. Matt decides to go help Justin, which shows that Matt's true character is caring, loving, and selflessness. At that point, Matt starts to see his true character in his own eyes, but after all the havoc he is still in shock about losing members of his squad. He deals with the loss by playing soccer with younger kids in Iraq. Through this, Matt reveals his ability to move on, and his care for his squad members.

    1. Cynthia Nguyen

      Matt seems like a very heroic and noble character. He risked his own life to save his comrade Justin. I empathize with him when he had to move on after losing the people he cared about.

    2. Tae Um

      I can cleary see Matt's true personality. Even though he could have died, he was determined to rescue his dying friend. Matt was put under pressure and he showed that he is truly a caring person.

    3. Caren Punnoose

      The character in your novel, Matt, really shows his true character. He saved Justin which shows that he is a caring and true friend. That really shows the true character in him.

  8. Cynthia Nguyen

    Inciting Incident

    The inciting incident of a story is an event that unbalances the protagonist's life and makes the protagonist actively push towards their goal or desire. In Shiver, the inciting incident was when Jack Culpeper supposedly died. When the news spread of his death, many people wanted to get rid of the wolves, and Grace would not stand for that. Before the incident, Grace spent her days just watching the wolves, but the incident made her take action. This event is what caused Sam to be shot and Grace to finally meet him.

    1. Chris Luke
      Your novel had a very interesting inciting incident. The way the balance is gone- by Jack supposedly dying; this showed a very dark inciting incident.

    2. Brandon Gomez

      I really liked your explanation as well as the inciting incident that you chose. By the way, share a common inciting incident. Both of them were because of a major death which radically changed the story.

  9. Won Joo
    Inciting incident
    The inciting incident of my story is when Jomo buys steroid from a guy named Ganz and uses it for the first time. After Jomo juiced, his life changes from an ordinary highschool football player to an amazing athlete. But steroid also made him a totally different person. For example, Jomo started a fight for no reason. Eventually, he gets caught and almost dies from car accident.

  10. Chris Luke

    Character revelation

    Character revelation is the revealing ,of the, true character of a person. In my book the main antagonist Gaballufix showed a great character revelation. Gaballufix at the beginning is thought to be a person who though about what was best for the city;it turned out he was a wicked person who would kill ot get his way and have a type of dictatorship.

  11. Tae Um

    Inciting Incident
    Inciting incident is an event that causes the protagonist's life to change and push them towards their goals. When Benson Fisher realized that his girlfriend, Jane, is an android, he was determined to escape the school. He took his time about escaping, but realized that the school is not safe for the students to stay any longer. Because of this inciting incident, he is able to escape the school and meet the human version of Jane.

    1. Grey Davis

      In my novel it also has a boy liking a girl and something happening to her, so i thinks would have a lot of similarities. I also like the way you described a inciting incident.

    2. Jigar Patel

      I remember when I read the first of the sequels(your book), how shocked I was when I realized that Jane was a robot. After Benson found out, he had a completely different mindset and was determined to escape. Looking back, I realize that this is a great example of an inciting incident. Well Done!

    3. Ashton Deloach

      You did a good job explaining your inciting incident. It's really weird that this guys girlfriend is an android though!

  12. Grey Davis

    Inciting Incident

    Inciting incedent is a an event in a story that the protagonist change from or makes a goal because of it. When Drew finds out that the girl that he likes has been kidnapped he changes his goal from ordinary life to help find Kayla. It also changes his personality by him being more open with his emotions towards her.

    1. Elizabeth Williams

      That really is an inciting incident. That would definitely affect his life greatly.

  13. Jigar Patel

    True Character

    True Character is what a person is really like at the heart of their humanity. It is only revealed through choices made under pressure. An example of true character in my book is when Benson is immobilized and a mysterious man gives him a difficult choice. The man says that Benson and his girlfriend can have a small house built for them and live their lives happily. The downside to this negotiation is that Benson must tell the man where the other students are hiding. Benson rejects the offer and this shows that he cares more about the freedom of all, rather than the freedom of himself. His true character is altruistic and selfless.

  14. Caren Punnoose

    True Character

    True character is the real personality and what a person is really like inside when they make a decision under pressure. An example of true character in my novel would be when Nick started to argue with Sam and he let his inner anger and person/personality come out of himself. When Sam asked Nick to tell him the truth, Nick refused to. Nick is a really caring and honest boy. But he let his inner person out and it showed the real him. Nick showed no honesty about anything beyond that point and that shows who he really is.

    1. Linda Nguyen

      I really like your explanation.I also do believe that a true character is shown under pressure.Your example of Nick lying to Sam revealed the true character of him. Although my character is total opposite from yours,they both have hidden personality that no one knows about.

    2. Amy Thomas

      This is a good example,
      but we all act differently when we are angry. That's the whole point of true character though. What did Sam do to him to get him so angry? What did Sam want to know? There are many variables in a situation, but I guess this does show that Nick isn't 100% honest, no one is.

  15. Brandon Gomez

    Inciting Incident

    Inciting Incident is an event that radically changes the protagonist's life, forcing him to strive for a certain goal. An example in my novel would be when Angel found out that her mother died. She came back to her house one day after sleeping in the cold desert sand, only to find her mother dead on the side of a road. After she experienced that awful moment she set off to carry out her one goal: to kill Scotty.

    1. Brandon Tran

      This book seems really interesting. I love the section you chose to analyze the inciting incident in your novel. The character Angel seems very devoted and loyal, kind of like Jack, the protagonist in my novel.

  16. dacarius creer.

    true character

    True Character is how a person react under pressure and it tells if what they do in the situation. an example in my book, a random character had to help the main character to learn an instrument in five days. If the the main character didn't learn it in five days the soldiers would've killed. So the music teacher tried as to get the main character to learn the instrument, and he did. The music teacher told the main character since he learned the instrument that the soldiers would kill him. the music teacher sacrifice himself to help teach a kid a instrument before he died that true character.

  17. Sareena Contrator

    Inciting Incident
    The inciting incident is the point in the story that completely changes the protagonist. The incident is like a doorway you can’t go back through, it can be positive or negative. The inciting incident in my book was when Safe was destroyed by shadows. The destruction of his home caused Matthew to have to face his biggest fear and enter the world Above. This moment could be considered the inciting incident because it completely changed the Matthew’s life. It made him realize that Safe wasn’t as safe as he thought. The incident turned his world upside down.

  18. Linda Nguyen

    True character is a person hidden identity revealed when they are put under pressure.The character is revealed more when put under pressure.For instance,in my novel,Gaia had to make a decision of either saving a baby life from pregnant mother that was executed or save her own life trying to not get caught.As a result,Gaia chose to save the baby and risk her own life.This display the true character of Gaia as a kindhearted,brave person.

  19. Ashton Deloach

    The PROTAGONIST may also have a unconscious desire.

    In my book Maximum Ride's concious desire is that she must save thw world, and the human race. Although throughout the book, in the back of her mind. she has been wanting to be with Fang again.

  20. Kyle Moore

    Inciting incident
    An inciting incident is the part of the novel that upsets the balance of forces in the protagonist's life. The inciting incident in my novel was when Hayden pushed Russell off the cliff. This caused Luke's life to completely change.

  21. Kenneth Tinsley

    Inciting incident
    The inciting incident radically upsets the balance of forces in a protagonist life. The inciting incident in my book was when; Charles Randall came to town, and tried to buy up everybody’s mines. He did this, because he thought there were valuable things inside. This gave Arley the goal of making sure that Charles would never take her mine.

  22. Amy Thomas

    True Character

    True character is what a character truly acts like under pressure.
    Joey shows her true character when she goes to save Sukari. She went and searched for her even though it was very dangerous. Joey would go far lengths to keep a promise, like she did to charlie. This shows that Joey has a good and determined personality.

  23. Brandon Tran

    Inciting Incident

    An Inciting Incident radically upsets the balance of forces in a protagonists life. The inciting incident that occurred in my novel was when Jack, the protagonist, visits his father in prison. During this visit Jack gets an offer from his father that could potentially change his life, in the end, it did. He decides that he will take the offer which was to take control of "Private" a secretive detectives agency for celebrities and wealthy people. This decision effects/alters his entire life throughout the story, and he finds himself in difficult situations, because of this.
