Note: BEFORE doing this assignment, you must have read the first two
chapters of your novel. (The first few pages of a novel won’t tell you very
much about your protagonist – two chapters will.)
- Review my grading standards before posting. Remember, once you hit submit, it is final.
- Don't forget to put your first and last name at the top of your post and to comment on another classmate's post.
- Comments should focus on similarities or differences you perceive between your protagonist and your classmate's protagonist or something that intrigues you about your classmate's protagonist.
Answer the following questions in paragraph form – no need to
separate each answer by a space.
1) Who is the protagonist of your novel? (name, two characteristics, and his or her occupation [student, detective, etc.])
2) What is one thing you and the protagonist have in
3) What is one way in which you and the protagonist
4) What is one quote spoken by your protagonist that
you think represents them well from what you’ve read?
Due: Friday February 1 at midnight